The MODBUS to LORAWAN converter allows 2 operating modes: Transparent or Independent Polling.
In Transparent mode, MODBUS frames (Slave, type of registers + registers range) can be sent from a remote application, through the LORAWAN Network Server, to the “RS485 to LORAWAN” converter. The frames are then sent via the RS485 port. If a response is received by the Transmitter, they are transmitted as one or more uplink messages, to the Network Server (or stored and transmitted later).
In Independent Polling mode, MODBUS frames (list of slave IDs + type of MODBUS register – Discreet inputs, inputs, holding, coil registers – + register range) can be configured in the “MODBUS transmitter to LORAWAN”, and programmed to be transmitted to the RS485 port at regular (configurable) intervals. The responses are then (stored and) transmitted and transmitted at regular intervals. Possibility to define Masks and Patterns.
In Pulse count mode, the Pulse Counter counts electrical pulses at a maximum frequency of 200 Hz. It is possible to configure the frequency of data transmission frequency of the counters independently, between 5 minutes and 24 hours. The Pulse Counter supports the “Open Collector” circuit type.
In Dry-Input mode, the Pulse Counter generates a LORAWAN message when the circuit is opened or closed (or in both cases).
The Pulse Counter also transmits the ambient temperature and its battery level.
The sensor configuration is via a USB connection via a free PC application. Or by LORAWAN downlink message.
MODBUS is a non-proprietary data protocol, created in 1979 by Modicon (today Schneider Electric), used for networks of programmable controllers, falling under the application level (level 7 of the OSI Model). It allows communication, either in RTU mode (RS485) or in TCP mode.
MODBUS RTU operates in master-slave mode. Only the master is active, the slaves are passive. The master must read and write to each slave in the serial loop.
Use case of the MODBUS to LoRaWAN converter-transmitter
- All industrial equipment with MODBUS interface (multiple slaves)
- Metering of utilities (such as water, electricity, heat) with pulse output
- Connect any equipment with active pulse output or dry output
MODBUS to LoRaWAN converter-transmitter Technical Specifications
- 1 RS485 connector
- Multiple MODBUS Slaves. All types of registers: Coils, Input, Discreet Input, Holding registers.
- 2 pulse or dry-input inputs
- Data collection every 5, 15, 30, 60min. 6, 12, 24 hours
- Data transmission every 5, 15, 30, 60min. 6, 12, 24 hours
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