Smart Cities – Brussels Days 2021 in Paris

Smart Cities – Brussels Days 2021 in Paris

IOT Factory will be present at the meeting between the Brussels region and the Paris region (Brussels Days Paris – organized by Visit.Brussels, Hub.Brussels and Brussels International), which will take place in Paris on Friday September 24 at the Belgian Embassy in Paris. 

During this meeting, chaired on the Belgian side by the Secretary of State for Foreign Trade (Pascal Smet) and the Smart City Manager of the Brussels region (Céline Vandenborght – CIRB), IOT Factory will present 4 Smart Cities projects implemented in Belgium and in Europe.

City bikes in Moscow

GPS tracking of 8,000 self-service bicycles in Moscow. The objective of the project is to supply the city with traffic data, in order to analyze the flow of passengers in urban transport, and thus to plan the development of the different types of roads and public transport.

Air Quality in Reykjavik

The recent eruption of the GELDINGADALIR volcano, near Reykjavik, the Icelandic capital, is a source of pollution, and the spread of gases, some of which are harmful. The installation of air quality sensors: micro-particles, Sulfide, allows the city of Reykjavik to warn the population in the event of a threshold being exceeded.

Monitoring of fuel oil tanks in Andorra

Several local entities in the Principality of Andorra have fuel oil tanks to supply certain public buildings (swimming pools, etc.). Monitoring the level of tanks makes it possible to plan their filling, and to prevent them from being empty …

CO2 monitoring in schools in Belgium

Indoor air quality has become a priority since the COVID19 crisis. This is particularly the case in schools and universities. Promote ventilation through continuous measurement of air quality, and thus limit contamination.

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