Water Metering in Offices: 30%-50% savings expected !
According to a report by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, offices can cut their water use from 30-50% by monitoring 📈 their water consumption and adopting measures based on the diagnostics.
⛔ A dripping tap is equivalent to a loss of 5 liters of water per hour. 120 liters per day. Nearly 43m3 per year!
⛔ A leaking toilet flush means at least 15 liters of water per hour. 360 liters of water per day. 131m3 per year!

On average, consumption per employee is around 45 liters per day. Leaks can therefore seriously impact water consumption…
While the price of water is only increasing, and companies will have to, in the years to come, explain their actions in the environmental, societal and governance fields (ESG reporting ☘), monitoring water consumption will become as important as monitoring energy consumption.