The Things Conference 2022

The Things Conference 2022

The Things Network has become an important player in the LORAWAN world, thanks to its Network Server, The Things Stack, offered in 2 versions: a community version, free, and a professional version, The Things Industries.

The IOT Factory platform, dedicated to Smart Metering (energy, environment) and Asset tracking obviously offers standard integration with The Things Network. As soon as a LORAWAN sensor is declared on The Things Network, it will automatically appear on the IOT Factory platform. You can immediately build your dashboards, configure alerts, generate reports, and define the access rights of your different users, both on our WEB application and Mobile (Android, IOS).

The IOT Factory platform integrates many sensors on the market as standard: Elsys, Adeunis, Milesight, MCF, DigitalMatter, Tekelek, Abeeway, Libellium, Netop, Talkpool, VisioSoft, Taiga, VEGA. And it is of course possible to add other decoders easily.

IOT Factory will be present at The Things Conference 2022 in Amsterdam, on September 22 and 23. If you are also participating, contact us if…

  • You are developing LORAWAN sensors and looking for a distributor. Our B2B sales channels are at your disposal.
  • You are looking for an IOT platform specialized in energy and environmental management and asset tracking, our IOT platform natively supporting The Things Network is intended for Systems Integrators and Distributors
  • You are looking for LORAWAN sensors (especially for energy, industry and tracking), we have everything you need thanks to our sensor producer partners.