An IOT software platform – What is it for?

An IOT software platform – What is it for?

If we talk a lot about the connected objects (and the networks that allow them to exchange data), the concept of IOT software platform sometimes remains somewhat vague. Synthetic diving in this critical piece of the IOT …

The architecture of an IOT solution

When we talk about the Internet of Things, we often hear about sensors / actuators that collect data (or interact with the hardware), or IOT networks to transmit the data. And finally applications (web, mobile) to analyze the data and provide the expected service.


Numerous solutions can be found on the market: telemetry based on smart meters, analysis of ambient air, detection of door openings, presence detector (vehicle, personnel, machine), fleet management (telematics) A company that wants to deploy multiple IOT solutions, this can become an operational nightmare by multiplying solutions, each providing its own management tool (sensors, user access rights, reports, integrations with ERP / WMS, etc.). .).

An IOT software platform aims to provide a unique, coherent environment for deploying and managing multiple IOT projects. These projects can be delivered by different providers of course. The goal is to allow each company to deploy different IOT solutions simply, effectively, while avoiding to multiply the software used. Only one login per user, one deployed hardware management, one integration with other software. But of course the possibility of choosing the best supplier for every project!

Suitable for the organization of your Company!

This is obvious … The IOT platform must allow optimal management of your projects. Manage all your IOT projects, define access rights based on roles, departments, geographical locations, languages spoken by your internal teams. Or external.

Any Device, Any Network

The supply of sensors and networks to communicate data explodes. It is essential to opt for a platform that does not restrict your choices of the best sensor, the best network for each of your IOT projects.
Fast and Easy integration and management of all your sensors / actuators, independently of the Communication Network (SigFox, LoRa, M2M, Wifi, BLE, ZigBee…).

Dashboarding & Reporting

The ability to quickly access reports and set up your own dashboards is obviously what you would expect from a modern IOT platform. Get your Individual and Configurable Dashboards in minutes. Generate standard or custom Reports. Export them in PDF or CSV.

Smart Notifications

Operational monitoring of collected data can be complex and time-consuming. Opting for a flexible notification mechanism is essential, so that the IOT is a real operational gain, not a new extra workload.
Receive notifications, by email or sms (rules-based). Manage the notification life cycle. Configure your distribution lists.

Open APIs

Allowing different solutions to co-exist, either proposed by different publishers, or developed internally by the company, is a “must”! Integrate IoT data into your own ERP, CRM or WMS. Or develop your own front-end web / mobile applications. Thanks to our fully documented Open APIs.

Maps & GIS

The geolocation of sensors, and therefore connected objects (machines, humans …), is one of the main business cases sought by companies. Map your sensors and related assets. Benefit from powerful Geofencing capabilities. Geographical Information System (GIS).

SaaS or on-Premise

The SaaS (Software as a Service) model tends to impose itself naturally in companies, because it avoids a complex project of installation, configuration and management by the internal IT, limits the financial impact (investment CAPEX is limited), and gives the operational teams a quick and efficient solution. There are, however, cases where the installation of the IOT platform in the Enterprise is required, due to regulatory constraints (some countries require data to be hosted in the country for example) or an internal data security policy .
Choose your preferred deployment option! Our modern Software Platform architecture, based on Micro-Services and virtualization by Docker, fits both on-premise and hosted environments.